Want to know how Salacia Reticulata helps to promote overall blood cleansing?

Salacia reticulata or known as Ekanayakam or Saptarangi is a climbing, perennial, woody shrub widely distributed in Sri Lanka, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Salacia has been used in the Ayurvedic alternative medical practice to support relief from the symptoms of Joint pains such as rheumatism and high blood sugar levels, for many years.

Salacia’s principal use in traditional, ancient Ayurvedic medicine for controlling blood glucose levels is near-legendary; it was believed to be so potent that patients were told to simply drink water left to sit overnight in a cup made from the wood of the plant! RecentlySalacia was reported it may be a potential solution for overall fatness & its ill effects.

Salacia Reticulata appears to have the ability to reduce lipase enzymes and may reduce the rate of fat absorption after a meal which promotes suppression of triglyceride levels. Scientific studies confirmed the presence of Saponins in Salacia reticulata species which helps to promote blood cleansing, lowering blood sugar levels, and supports healthy skin, clearing the toxic wastes. 

In addition, Salacia or Ekanayakam supports lowering levels of systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure values when taken in recommended dosage. Further, scientific animal study has revealed the usefulness of Salacia in fatty degeneration & inflammation of liver cells.

Uses and Benefits of Salacia reticulata:

  1. Salacia or Saptarangi supports women’s health during her menstrual period for discomfort like excessive bleeding, stomach spasm & pain.
  1. Diabetes. Early research shows that drinking salacia tea with each meal might lower glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Other early research shows that taking salacia with food for 6 weeks might reduce blood sugar and HbA1C levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  1. blood cleansing
  2. Itching Skin
  3. Lowering of blood sugar levels
  4. Gonorrhea
  5. Joint problems
  6. Asthma
  7. Losing weight
  8. Supports healthy skin
  9. Clearing the toxic wastes

J K Botanicals are one of the known and leading industries which is involved in manufacturing and supplying of Salacia Powder. We are the best manufacturers of Salacia Powder and bulk supplier of Salacia Root Extract.