Rhubarb Extract | Rheum Emodi Extract

Rheum Emodi (Indian Rhubarb) Extract

Article No:


Botanical Name:

Rheum Emodi

Other Name:

Indian rhubarb


> 5.0% Anthraquinones by UV


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    Product Description:

    Rhubarb extract is a concentrated form of the rhubarb plant (Rheum rhabarbarum) obtained by extracting its active compounds using solvents like ethanol or water. It contains a range of bioactive compounds, such as anthraquinones, polyphenols, and vitamins, which have been associated with a range of potential health benefits.

    Rhubarb extract is typically made by extracting the active compounds from the rhubarb plant using solvents like ethanol, water, or a combination of both. The resulting extract is a concentrated form of the plant’s active ingredients, which can include anthraquinones like emodin and chrysophanol, as well as polyphenols like catechins and quercetin.

    Application of Rhubarb Extract:
    1. Traditional medicine: Rhubarb extract is used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems such as constipation, indigestion, and diarrhoea, as well as to improve liver function and lower cholesterol levels.
    2. Food industry: Rhubarb extract is used in the food industry as a natural food colouring and flavouring agent for products such as ice cream, yogurt, and baked goods.
    3. Cosmetics: Rhubarb extract is used in cosmetics and personal care products as an ingredient in skin care products for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
    4. Agriculture: Rhubarb extract has been investigated for its potential use in agriculture as a natural herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide.
    5. Research: Rhubarb extract is used in scientific research to investigate its potential health benefits and as a tool for discovering new bioactive compounds with therapeutic potential.
    Jairamdass Khushiram is a manufacturer of  Rhubarb Extract